
Title: Enhancing Horse Racing Outcome Prediction through Feature Selection and Machine Learning Techniques

Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Techniques
© 2024 by jaidst - PROVINCE Publications
ISSN: 3029-2794
Volume 01, Issue 02
Year of Publication : 2024
Page: [47- 58]

Authors :

Dr M.Ashok Kumar

Address :

Department of Computer Science,Software Engineering ,Cyber Security and Data Science,Skyline University Nigeria

Abstract :

For the past few years, the Big Data technologies has emerged as a significant issue in medical research due to its capacity to rapidly gather, store, and analyze massive amounts of diverse data. Innovative possibilities for enhancing the forecasting and control of the dissemination of infectious illnesses have recently become available as an outcome of research. The research study helps to evaluate the impact of Big Data plays in forecasting and managing the global dissemination of infectious illnesses related to disease. The research idea is particularly interested in locating efficient strategies for utilizing big data impacts to forecast disease transmission trends and coordinate countermeasures to these variations. Hence, the research proposed a framework called Prediction Analysis for Infectious Disease using BigData (PAID-BD) for easy identification during pandemic illness. The aim of this investigation the application of big data in forecasting and controlling the spread of infectious diseases, with a particular emphasis on improving existing efforts to prevent and avoid epidemics. The construction of forecasting systems allows for the anticipation of epidemics of transmission diseases and the improved effectiveness of intervention health measures. These models are developed using various health information sources and cutting-edge significant data analytics procedures. A strong emphasis is placed on the prompt adoption of responsive measures and the adaptation of plans to changing epidemiological conditions.

Keywords :

Big data platforms; epidemics outbreak; transmission disease prediction; Prediction Analysis; infectious disease.