
Title: An Enclosed Privacy- Preserving Plan for Safeguarding Communications in Intelligent Transportation Systems

Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Techniques
© 2024 by jaidst - Province Publications
ISSN: 3029-2794
Volume 01, Issue 01
Year of Publication : 2024
Page: [1 - 18]

Authors :

Noorayisahbe Binti Mohd Yaacob and Sampath Rajaram

Address :

School of Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Innovation & Technology, Malaysia

Mohamed Sathak A.J. College of Engineering, India

Abstract :

Intelligent Transporting Systems (ITS) aims to offer car roadside assistance and mobile communications. ITS safely integrates information and communication technology and real-time vehicles to provide dependable and private communications. The network's intruder-less situation and service demand determine how private users may remain. This article presents a contained privacy-preserving strategy (CPPS) to maintain user privacy over a sustainable period. According to the privacy level of the vehicle, the suggested method establishes rules for user access. This workable method makes regulated service access without raising the overhead of adversary exposure possible. State learning classifiers determine whether to allow service access and revoke user permissions. The learning technique defines Different vehicle states, which use various security elements to avoid privacy leaks and the influence of intruders. To maximize the communication rate, the state allocation considers the vehicle's requirements and service access failures. Access time, adversary impact, response time, and service durability are the measures used to assess the effectiveness of the suggested strategy. p>

Keywords :

Access Control, ITS, Privacy-Preserving, Q-Learning, Vehicle Communication.