Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Techniques (JAIDST)

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Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Techniques (JAIDST)

The "Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Techniques" aims to serve as a premier platform for researchers, practitioners, and academics to publish and access high-quality research in artificial intelligence (AI) and data science. This interdisciplinary journal provides a forum for cutting-edge research, innovative methodologies, and practical applications of AI and data science techniques across various domains.

Frequency- 4 issues per year

Publisher- Province Publications®

E-ISSN- 3029-2794

Language- English

Open Access

Free Accessible for Readers

Review Process

Double Blind Review by referees

Acceptance Time

2 to 4 weeks, based on revision cycles

Publication Process

Online First, immediately after acceptance

Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration:

Province Publications provides a platform that bridges the gap between different research fields. Researchers can engage with content from various disciplines, leading to potential cross-disciplinary collaborations and insights.

Exposure and Impact:

Publishing with Province Publications allows researchers to reach a wider audience. This exposure can increase visibility, citations, and recognition within their primary field and other related disciplines.

Networking Opportunities:

The platform's community engagement allows researchers to connect with fellow experts, fostering networking opportunities that could lead to collaborations, joint projects, or participation in academic discussions.

Thought Leadership:

By contributing articles to Province Publications, researchers can establish themselves as thought leaders in their respective domains. This recognition can enhance their reputation and contribute to their career advancement.

Peer review

The peer review process at the "JAIDST" involves a rigorous evaluation by subject-matter experts. Upon manuscript submission, it undergoes double-blind peer review, ensuring anonymity for both authors and reviewers. Our reviewers assess scientific quality, originality, methodology, and significance to maintain the highest publication standards.


The "JAIDST" is a scholarly publication. The views, opinions, and findings expressed in published articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the journal's editorial team's or publisher's views. The journal assumes no responsibility for any errors, omissions, or consequences arising from the content published herein.

The aim of the "JAIDST" is to provide a platform for the dissemination of pioneering research in the realms of AI and data science methodologies. JAIDST aim to promote the development and application of advanced techniques, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and addressing contemporary challenges in these fields.
The "JAIDST" encompasses a wide scope, encompassing research articles, reviews, and applications of innovative AI and data science methods. Topics include machine learning, data analytics, natural language processing, computer vision, and their diverse applications in various domains, such as healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems.

Submission to Final Decision- 50 Days

Acceptance to Publication- 10 Days

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